Private Beachside Massage

Immerse yourself in a world of pure relaxation with a Beachside Massage Experience, where the soothing sounds of the ocean waves and the gentle caress of the sea breeze set the stage for ultimate rejuvenation. Let skilled therapists transport you to a realm of bliss as you unwind under the warm sun, with the rhythmic lullaby of the tides as your backdrop.

Duration and Price

  • 60 min Sunset Serenity USD 350 for two

A soothing 60-minute couples’ massage in the private space of your suite, with a bottle of chilled champagne and a selection of delectable canapés.

  • 60 min Island Romance Retreat USD 500 for two

60-minute couples’ massage in the space of your private balcony or pergola, including a bottle of champagne and light snacks. Romantic beachfront dinner at our renowned 1748 Restaurant, featuring a delectable three-course meal.


Canapés and a chilled bottle of wine are provided.

All Experiences are subject to 10% GST and 10% service charge.